What do you do with your old toothbrushes?
Old toothbrushes make great cleaning tools! Here are some things you can clean with your old toothbrushes- make sure to label them in some way so you know they are for cleaning only!
- I keep one toothbrush in my shower to use to clean off any grime on the caulking or in the small parts of my shower doors.
- They are great at cleaning around the outside of your kitchen sink where it attaches to the counter and in the back close to the backsplash.
- Same as above, but for the bathroom sinks.
- Great for cleaning off dust on your computer keyboards.
- Great for dusting off indoor fake plants.
- Great for getting all the dust and fuzz out of your hairdryer. Make sure it is unplugged before doing this.
- Great for getting around the base of the toilet- yuck!
- Great for dusting or cleaning off top of baseboards when deep cleaning.
I am sure you can think of many more! Please add your tips below in the comment section!