Have you seen the movie “When They See Us?” This movie was my first introduction to wrongly accused inmates.
Being a childcare provider and hearing all the terrible child abuse stories like the recent one in KC, I don’t have the strongest faith in the welfare/justice system. They do not do a good enough job protecting innocent children.
Apparently, they do not do enough to protect innocent inmates as well. If they did, they never would have made it into the prisons in the first place.
It is so disheartening to see all the injustice in the world today. It can make you really depressed if you think about it too long.
So, instead of being depressed about it, do something about it! When you see injustice being done, stand up and speak out about it! Stand up for the person getting bullied or the person who is standing on the side of the road needing a buck or two to get through the day. Help where you can in whatever way you can.
The pastor of my church met a man named Darryl Burton who was a wrongly accused inmate and who is now a pastor. Darryl Burton spoke online to the congregation a few weeks ago about his situation. This man was wrongly accused of murder and spent 24 years in prison.
He spoke of forgiveness, and he started an organization with another wrongly accused man to help other wrongly accused inmates get their freedom and get their bearings once they are released from prison.
He is standing up, even after the situation he was in. The least we can do is to support him in his efforts. Here is his website to read more and donate if you can. An organization similar to his is what got him out of prison. He is giving back in a huge way. Check it out.