Refill containers.
Today, when I was refilling my hand soap bottles, I thought of all the plastic that I am saving.
This year, I replaced all my plastic soap pumps with glass pump containers that I purchased from Grove.® I purchase large soap refills at the store to fill them back up when they are empty. Because I have a daycare in my home, I am refilling the bottles a lot! I have purchased some plastic sleeves to place the bottles in so that they are safer for kids to use. These were also purchased from Grove.
Now, instead of buying lots and lots of single use plastic pump soap bottles, I can use these glass bottles and refill them. I save money on the soap, and I save loads of plastic. I can also put the glass bottles and pumps in the dishwasher to keep them more sanitary, which is especially helpful right now with all the viruses going around.
There are also other types of products you can refill in this way to save money and plastic. The number one thing would be water. Get rid of all those single-use plastic water bottles and switch them out for reusable ones.
A less obvious example- my husband and son use Listerine®. Instead of continually buying two bottles- one for each bathroom, I buy one huge bottle and refill the two smaller bottles over and over. I am at least cutting my plastic purchase in half. I need to look into buying a glass bottle for that as well. Maybe even a pump soap bottle would work. It would look a lot more aesthetic on the counter as well. I will have to update you when I try it out.
Look around the house to see if you might have products that could be refilled to save plastic and money. Hand soaps, dish soaps, and laundry detergent are just a few, but I know there are many more. I will be looking as well!
Happy hunting and happy refilling!