Recycle aluminum products.
We all know that we should recycle aluminum cans, but only about fifty percent of them are recycled each year in the US. ( That leaves roughly 400 billion cans that still end up in the landfill. (
Most city recycling services allow aluminum recycling in their bins. Aluminum is also one of the items you can get paid to recycle if you do not have services in your area. Each can brings you roughly 1.7 cents, so you are not going to become rich collecting cans, but you are going to be doing your part to help the environment. Maybe you would be willing to let others in your non-recycling neighborhood drop off their cans to you. That would help you collect even more money and keep more cans out of the landfill.
There are other aluminum products that can get forgotten in the recycle bin. Aluminum foil and aluminum pie tins can be recycled.
Even though using glass containers is best practice in saving disposable packaging, sometimes aluminum foil is just the best option. So, when you are done with it, rinse it off, crumble it up, and throw it in your recycle bin. Aluminum pie tins also need to be rinsed well before throwing in the recycle bin.