Support garage sales.
I love garage sales! The season is upon us, and I am hoping that this virus ends soon, so I can go snag some deals!
If I look around my home, I can see so many things that I have gotten from garage sales or thrift stores. Nothing gives me more of a high than finding a great deal on something. Knowing that I saved something from possibly going into the landfill makes me feel good too.
The longer a product gets used, the longer it remains out of the landfill. There are so many reusable items that go into the landfill each year. Garage sales take work to put on and gathering things up to take to the thrift store takes time as well, so many people just throw things in the trash when they are done with them. This is especially true for clothes!
I have gotten lots of clothes from my sister who loves to shop. My daughter used to get lots of clothes from her older cousins as she was growing up. I love hand-me-downs. They are a great money saver! I have not found tons of clothes at garage sales, but have found some. I am very picky with the clothes I do buy. But, where else are you going to find clothes for less than a dollar? It is a great place to buy kids clothes as they grow out of them so quickly and kids can be so hard on them.
I know some people are funny about using someone else’s things, but the next time you see a garage sale or an estate sale, stop in and look around. You might just find something you could use for way less money than what you would pay for a new one. It is okay to be picky too. I always am. I make sure the item is something I need and will use, so it doesn’t just sit at my house until I have my own garage sale!