Learn about 5G.
As things get faster and faster around us, we need to think about how much we really need when it comes to electronic speed.
The cell phones and computers we use are constantly evolving. It seems the newest version comes out right after we purchased the last model. It is very frustrating and very costly to keep up with. I do not know how many computers and cell phones I have had to replace over the years, but it has been at least a handful.
When I first learned of 5G, I was irritated that they were pushing for faster speeds. When will fast be fast enough? 4G moves fast already, so I do not see the value in upgrading, but I do not know if we have a choice in the matter. It is very concerning.
There is some research that states this upgrade would be detrimental to our health and to the health of animals. Here is a video about this:
This is a great unbiased informative video. It does a great job explaining some of the risks 5G might pose, but the bottom line is that there is not enough research and there are not enough long-term studies to actually show us the risks with this upgraded technology. It also makes me nervous that there will be lots of small cell towers all over cities very soon. They are going to move on with it in the interest of making more money without fully knowing the risk involved. If they do know the risks, they are trying to keep it to themselves, so they don’t risk halting the production of the newest technology.
I think it is up to us to make sure what we are presented with is actually safe for us to use. We need to demand safety from the companies involved in this endeavor. Our kids live on their cell phones and laptops. We need to make sure twenty years from now, they are not having major health problems due to some companies wanting to increase their power and wealth.
I will continue to research 5G and hope you will join me.