Use online recipes.
This is something I do quite often now. There are so many great sites out there!
One of the things that I have been doing during this “stay at home” time is going through my recipe books and magazines. I had accumulated quite a few over the years, and ended up putting most in thrift store donation bags that I will drop off once the stores are open again.
Using online recipes allows you to declutter your home of all the cookbooks and magazines that you don’t use very often. It saves money as you are not purchasing anything, since the recipes are free online.
There are an endless supply of recipes for whatever you might be wanting to make. You can just look up “recipes to make with chicken,” and you will find hundreds! If you are on a special diet, you can look that up for tons of recipes. Look on Pinterest for some great ideas. I love the videos of people actually making the food.
Once I find a recipe I love, I save it to my Pinterest page called “Recipes tried and liked.” I also have a board that says “recipes to try.” If you have not looked at Pinterest before, you are in for a real treat! There are so many great ideas on that site! I do print out recipes that I love and put them in a recipe box for quick retrieval, so I do not have to remember where they are or get my phone or iPad.