Turn your thermostat up or down a couple degrees.
This is an easy option for those that work outside the home. You won’t be physically affected by it, and your pocketbook will thank you for the savings. You can put your thermostat on a timer, so thirty minutes before your scheduled time to get home the temperature can be changed and it will be comfortable when you arrive. I do not work outside the home, but do things to improve our heating and cooling bills as well.
Our basement level is very well insulated, and that is where I run my preschool, so I actually shut all my vents in the summer and direct the air to the top levels of the house that need it most. It stays plenty cool. I have placed magnets over some of my vents to fully block them.
In the winter, nighttime is a great time to adjust the temperature, since you can bundle up in covers to stay warm. You can also use a timer to kick the heater on a higher temp for when you wake up, so you are not freezing when you are getting ready in the morning. Then, it can go back down a few degrees when you leave for work.
I am going to try adjusting my thermostat when I finally turn the air conditioner on for the first time. I am hoping to delay it a little longer, so I can just keep the doors and windows open for cooling. It feels great to have the fresh air blowing into the house!
Try setting your thermostat a few degrees warmer this summer and see if you notice the difference. If you dress lightly in the house, you probably won’t notice it at all!