Recycle tires.
Did you know that there were about two million tires dumped into the ocean in the 70’s? They were dumped in hopes that they would form another reef, which would allow a great place for people to fish.
However, the idea backfired, and they are still working on cleaning up all the tire mess. Some of the tires broke apart and scattered throughout thirty-six acres under the sea. As of early 2018, only 300,000 tires have been cleaned up. (sun-sentinel.com)
Today, I was showing the daycare kiddos the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest of the five trash zones in the ocean. We saw many tires in that patch.
When we were cleaning up my father-in-law’s property, we found dozens of old tires. We had to pay someone to haul them off, and it was about $300!
With all the things that can be made from old tires, there is no excuse why they shouldn’t be recycled. Keep in mind there will probably be a cost involved with the recycling, but the cost outweighs the harm that is done by not recycling them. Besides the huge space they take up in the landfill, they can actually leach carcinogens into the air if they combust and could start a fire.
The next time you get your tires changed, make sure they recycle the old ones.
You can even keep one for a tire swing if you have a great tree for one!