Pass Your Clothes On
Is your closet or dresser overflowing with clothes? If you are like me, you have clothes you are holding onto to wear again when you lose those pounds you are determined to shed. I have an entire tub of jeans I am hoping to get back into this year!
Last year, I fell into the Marie Kondo revolution of decluttering. I watched a few of her shows on Netflix and got busy thinning out my closet and drawers of unworn clothes. I then refolded the keepers using her method. I have to say I did love the results. It was amazing how many more items I could fit in a small space! I was able to get rid of a ton of clothes I hadn’t worn in ages. I think I held on to them so long because I am a frugal person and did not want to let them go. But, I donated them to a thrift store so someone else could use them. I did the same in my daughter and son’s rooms and sold some of their clothes on Facebook Marketplace™ and donated the others to friends whose kids were younger or smaller.
It is such a nice feeling to not feel overwhelmed when I choose what to wear each day. I have all my favorite things to wear that make me happy, so my outfit is always an easy choice. It is also helpful in seeing what you really might need to purchase in your wardrobe.
Next time you put something on that does not fit right or your kiddo has outgrown something, think of someone you know that might be able to use it. If you can’t think of anyone, donate it. At least place it in one of those clothing collection boxes that are everywhere. Many will send the clothes overseas to third world countries.
Sadly, there are many people all over the world that can use our hand-me-downs, so please consider putting yours to good use.