Reuse old pillows.
When your pillows become lumpy or stained and you are ready to switch them out, don’t throw them away!
Many animal shelters can use them for their animals to cuddle up with. They are great to use in kennels or as extra softness for dog or cat beds. Call some of your local shelters to see if they might need them.
I just used the filling inside the pillow I was getting rid of for a preschool project that needed cotton balls. The fluff worked great. Maybe their are things you can make with your kiddos that would use the filling.
If you can sew, (I can barely,) you could use the filling for another pillow or a floor cushion. I know in Girl Scouts, my daughter needed a sit-upon for camp. That would be a great use for an old pillow- or just the fluff could be used to create a new one.
Before you throw anything away, decide if you could use if for something else. If not, can it be donated? If it is not something that can be donated, then don’t just save it and become a hoarder- toss it in the trash. Just remember, the landfill should always be the last option!