Support the little guys!
Just the other night, I went to a small strawberry patch with my husband and daughter to pick strawberries. The patch was only open for a few hours until the ripe strawberries were gone. In the half-hour we were there, I bet there were a dozen other families enjoying the berry-picking.
When we were finished, we went to the entrance to pay. The berries were weighed, and we paid the $11.00 for the berries. Now, I do not normally spend $11.00 on strawberries, but this was worth every penny.
My daughter had never been strawberry picking before, so now she can say she has had that experience. I used to go strawberry picking as a child, so it was a nice chance for me to relive something from my childhood and share something from my childhood with my daughter.
More important though is the chance to support a business that is very small and depends on the small sales it makes to survive. This business puts the word out through social media when it is open and has berries ripe to pick. It literally depends on word of mouth to survive.
It is nice to see these kinds of businesses in the heart of suburbia where I live. Otherwise, we might not drive the distance for a short berry picking trip. It is also nice to show my daughter other ways to have a business, since there are so many franchises around us.
Unfortunately, these franchises put out the small business around where I live. Many small businesses open, but are closed a year later. We have to help out these families who put so much into their businesses. Even if it is just to give them constructive criticism on their products so they can get stronger, it is important we do so.
We need to preserve the small businesses and encourage our children to be innovative and future entrepreneurs. So many big companies are going out of business or becoming automated, that we may need to depend on ourselves for our income instead of a company plan.
I love my small child care business. It helps support my family and supports the kiddos and families I serve. I have been able to be at home with my kiddos as they grow up, and have shown them what hard work really is!
The next time you drive by a small business, take the time to walk in and find out what they are about or better yet, spend some money in their establishment. Help support small businesses!