Round up your purchases.
A while back ago, when businesses were in full swing, a restaurant I visited asked me at checkout if I wanted to round up my purchase to benefit a charity. I can not remember what charity it was, but I did round it up to the next even dollar.
It got me to thinking about how much money could be raised in such a manner. My twenty cents with someone else’s eighty would make a buck. All day long if customers rounded up, they could make hundreds of dollars to benefit the charity they were focusing on.
I wish more businesses would take part in these types of fundraisers. Most people would not feel the impact of a few cents here and there, but the actual charity would see a great impact.
I know there is an app that can round up all your purchases that you make on your debit card and it puts the change into a savings account. This is a great way to “save your pennies for a rainy day.” You can use those pennies to do something good for someone else or treat yourself to something special.
The next time you are asked at checkout to round up, please take it into consideration.