Do you want to avoid the situation above as much as possible? Then, you need to make sure to floss each day!
What kind of floss is best?
I think it depends on your comfort level with flossing and how close your teeth are to each other. I have found the glide versions of floss to work the best on my teeth.
However, I am going to try a different kind of floss that can actually be composted.
Typical floss is made of nylon fibers that are coated with wax. These fibers will not break down in the compost pile. So, I was happy to hear there is an eco-friendly option for flossing.
You can make your own floss, use bamboo floss, or find many other options to choose from. I am going to try a vegan compostable floss.
I did not know how bad floss was for the environment and for our own health. Like the plastic rings that connect pop cans, sea creatures can get strangled by floss in the ocean. I have also seen tons of single use plastic flossers littered on the ground.
As far as our health goes, typical floss has a coating that is found in Teflon™.Who wants that is their mouth? Studies have even found this substance in the bloodstream of flossers vs. non-flossers. Scary! This alone is enough to make me want to try something else!
I will keep you posted on which floss I try and what I think about it. Stay tuned!