Take off your shoes!
Do you know how dirty the bottom of your shoes are? Think of all the places they have traveled throughout the day. Then, think of all the other humans and animals that have walked where you have walked. Chances are slim that the areas were washed down right before you walked on them.
There was an article published last year that focused on how dirty a person’s shoes were. It was pretty eye-opening. Here it is if you are interested in reading it:
I started taking my shoes off inside when we got new carpet. I did not want to do anything to wear it down any quicker. Plus, I knew that shoes are full of germs we can and can’t see. Once we replaced the carpet in the basement for the daycare, I asked that the kiddos take their shoes off when they come in. We have a shoe cubby right inside the door where they can put their shoes, so it is easy for them. We used a mat before we got the shoe cubby and still use a mat for snow boots, so the cloth in the shoe cubbies stays clean. A basket or mat makes a great shoe collector if you don’t have room for a shoe cubby. Or, they could just be put back into the closet or place they belong. Ha-Ha- that never seems to happen- especially with kids!
For kiddos, having to take their shoes off when they enter the house starts a good habit. It is a polite thing to do, plus it keeps things clean. It also gives them more practice putting their shoes on and tying them! They may not love that part, but teachers will appreciate it!
The daycare kiddos and their parents have never baulked at having to take their shoes off. Some of them already have that practice at home. It is a great practice as kiddos hang out so much on the floor, especially when they are little. It can prevent illness in crawling babies and toddlers, who love to put everything in their mouth.
Consider making this change, especially if you have young kiddos in the house. There are already too many germs inside- we don’t need to add more! Bonus- you might get some extra use out of your carpet as well.