Change the filter in your furnace.
If you use a standard 1-2 inch filter in your furnace, you should be changing it every three months if not sooner. This will keep your furnace working at maximum efficiency.
If you notice your house seems extra dusty, check your filter. If it is visibly dirty, it definitely needs to be replaced. Otherwise, put a note in your calendar to check it every three months. You can also write the date on the filter where you can see it when you check it. That way, you will know how often it seems to get dirty.
Changing the furnace filter is an easy thing to overlook. Especially since it might be hidden away where we don’t see it very often. Mine is in the bathroom closet down in the daycare area. It is important to keep on top of the filter maintenance as it can become clogged and work so hard that it could overheat and in extreme circumstances could cause a fire.
So, add checking the furnace to your next to-do list. If it is hard to remember, there are some filter replacement subscriptions you can check out online. That could take one thing off your to-do list!