Ditch the disposable razors.
I used to use disposable women’s razors all the time. This was many, many years ago. Then, I discovered that the company I was using for my razors tested them out on rabbits. I found this out when I saw a very gruesome picture. From that point on, I boycotted that company’s products and never bought a disposable razor again.
There are roughly two billion razors that end up in the landfill each year. This is an estimate by the EPA. (www.groundswell.org) If you are using a steel blade to shave, it is possible it can be recycled in your recycle bin, but for safety reasons, you should check with your recycling center first.
I have had the same razor handle for years. I joined an online razor company through a link my cousin sent. My cousin was really happy with this particular company, and I have been as well. I purchased the initial razor and set of blades and then I received four new blades every month. I had the subscription for a year, and then I cancelled it because I had so many blades. I still have not gone through them all! It was a cheap investment and has been much less expensive than purchasing disposable razors, especially since it saves me a trip going to the store to get one. The only thing I throw away is the small blade when it needs replacing.
The next time you need to purchase a new razor, consider looking online at some of the razor subscriptions or at least purchasing a refillable razor from the drug store. You will help keep some of those two billion razors out of the landfill in 2020!