Get the plumbing checked in your house.
The last time we had some plumbing fixed, we added a yearly service to check our whole house plumbing system. They were giving us a deal, so that is why we decided to do it. I am so glad we did.
Our house was built in 1977, and the last person who lived here was a DIY fix-it man. So, we have had a lot of repairs over the last 13 years we have lived here. Many things have never been replaced and others were incorrectly repaired at one time.
We had noticed that there was a lot of build up in our sinks and have had to replace dishwashers and faucets multiple times. Well, it turns out that we have massive calcium build-up in our pipes that is basically just making our plumbing fixtures and pipes need to be replaced more often than they should. If we do nothing about it, the water will continue to calcify in the pipes and reek havoc on all our plumbing.
To solve this problem, we will be adding a conditioning filter to our main water line that will be taking out the calcium from our water before it runs throughout the pipes in the house. Since our water does not feel hard or taste bad, they did not feel like we needed to invest in a softening system.
Even though it cost about $1300 for the whole house filter system, it will be well worth it in the long run! We will save thousands on replacing plumbing fixtures and appliances throughout the house.
So, if you have concerns about your water quality and are noticing build up on your faucets or shower heads, check into getting a whole house plumbing check. Check Groupon™ or other money saving sites as well, because they might have some deals on those kind of services. If you have used a plumber recently, try calling them to see if they can give you a deal.