Research, Research, Research!
My daughter is the researcher of the family. Whenever we are planning a vacation, she figures everything out from where we stay to where we eat each day. Sometimes we have to talk her down from some pricey options, but for the most part we end up doing everything she has found for us.
This is why I am now vegan. She watched some documentaries and did a lot of research about animal agriculture and the way our food production affects the planet. She shared this information with me, and we have both made the conscious choice to lead a vegan life.
Whatever environmental subject you are curious about- recycling, upcycling, reusing, climate change, veganism, the plastic epidemic, etc.- research it! There is a wealth of information about all of it out there.
This morning, I saw a post on Facebook® asking me to let Coca-Cola® know how I feel about them using plastic bottles. Boy, did that open a can of worms for the readers! There were lots of different opinions by people who all thought their opinions were the “right” ones. People discussed recycling efforts, the use of glass and cans instead of plastic, and my favorite which was, “Why are you just targeting Coca-Cola?”
If you are going to try to get your point across about something, you should always have the research to back it up. Goodness knows, if it is on Facebook, it will become a debate! I love to read the comments just to see how ridiculous people can be!
Anything involving the environment is a huge hot button right now with climate change leading the uproar. It is part of the debates for presidency and should be a part of what we look at in our future if we plan on having one on earth. Stay informed of what is going on with the environment and research questions you have about it. There is so much we are not made aware of!
Here are some sites you can look at to learn more about the environment and how our day-to-day living is affecting it.