Become an influencer.
Being an “influencer” is a big thing right now on social media. It is even a profession! Anyone can be an influencer-let’s just hope they influence something positive instead of something negative.
When someone is passionate about something, they tend to talk about it a lot. It is that way for me with things that involve kiddos or the environment. Because I am passionate about recycling, I have been able to influence others to join in my efforts to be better recyclers. I helped an elementary school improve its recycling efforts, I have made my business a “green business,” and I have tried to help the next generation that comes in my path become aware of recycling.
One person can change things for the better, but it sure does help when others join in! If you have something positive for the world that you are passionate about, share it with someone else, and they might share it with someone else, and so on and so on. You never know who might need to hear your message. It might open someone’s eyes to something new or give them a better way of doing something.
So, speak up and share your ideas, passions, and dreams for the world!