Do what makes you happy.
Life is short. Life is stressful- I think we can all agree with that right now.
In this time of craziness, contemplate what makes you happy.
- Are you enjoying having more time with your kiddos if you are stuck at home right now? Or are you ready to pull your hair out?
- Are you too stressed out at your job? Are you employed by a company you believe in? Do they appreciate you? Do you even enjoy your job?
- Do you have a significant other in your life? Do they treat you well? Do you treat them well?
- What is your relationship with your family? Do you keep in touch regularly?
Now, more than ever, is a great time to look inside yourself and see if you are at a place you want to be.
Make a list of all the things that make you happy- no matter what they might be. Vegan chocolate and vegan ice cream would be on my list!
Then, make another list of the areas that need improvement. Look at those items and see what can be done to move them to the “happy” list. Start with just one thing, so it is not too overwhelming. Focus on making that one thing better. When you have accomplished that, move to the next thing on the list.
Right now, it is easy to focus on the negative, especially when it is constantly in the news. But, you can make a positive change come from this and be proactive in how your life will look after this is all over.
So, focus on the positive, make a few lists, and get on to a better 2020!